Monday, July 11, 2011

4 Months Later I Finally Post!

I fully intended on starting this blog back in March! That being said I am still having a hard time deciding where to begin. My initial reason for starting this blog was so I could recall all of my travels from September 2010 to December 2010. But because I don't want this to be a novel, I would much prefer my novel to be paid for, I am going to just give a quick brief on what I've been up to.
Back in September I left Orange County for an extended trip to the East Coast to visit family and friends! I was in New York and Connecticut for about 2 weeks before leaving on a European adventure. While in Europe I traveled through Amsterdam, Munich, and all over Ireland. It was the trip of a life time. I got back to New York at the end of October and stayed there until mid-December. It was amazing! While I was there I was attempting to find a job in the Marketing field but also looking into preschool teaching jobs. I ended up not finding what I was looking for and came home to start the job hunt in Orange County, again I found nothing. My dad and I were talking and he offered me a job as the HR Manager for his Insurance Marketing company. It seemed like the perfect opportunity. I have been working here as HR Manager since February and I have really learned a lot. As much as I love having a job I have discovered through the past six months that business is just not for me. I can do it but I am not getting fulfillment out of what I do. I decided in the past couple months that I would like to go back to school and go into the nursing field. So come August 22 I will officially be a part time student on the road to Nursing School. Exciting times! Anyone who knows me knows how badly I wanted out of school and now I am counting down the days until I can go back, funny the way things work. I am really excited for the new adventure I am going to encounter starting next month.
That's just a small update of what is going on in my life right now!